Friday, November 30, 2012

The Opportunist by Tarryn Fisher

This is one of those stories that I kept seeing every book page rave about but when I read the synopsis I wasn't sure so I kept putting it off. I wish I had'nt. This book is is so frustratingly wonderful. It has taken me a few days to begin my review because I am left a little heartbroken. This is a story of a flawed woman who is in love but she can't seem to ever get it right with him or make it work. She sees him at a music store and talks to him for the first time in years. He has amnesia and she decieves him so that they can fall in love again. There are so many twist and so much heartache in this story. This is a reminder that sometimes love is not always enough for a relationship to survive. Sometimes it doesn't work the way you want it to or expect it to, however maybe it works out the way it needs to. I am anxious for the next book in this series to come out. This is sad and incredible, so worth the read.

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